Industrial & Logistics Facilities
Throughout its history as developer, owner and operator of major industrial facilities, with more than 500 transactions, Dermody has perfected a property management platform that includes institutional grade budgeting and reporting capabilities, detail-oriented facilities management, and a commitment to achieving high-performance ratings for our customer service. Our experience as an owner — appreciating the impacts of property management decisions — cannot be over-emphasized to third parties seeking to increase the performance of their portfolios.
Detailed budgeting of operating costs based on past performance and future conditions is critical to ensure optimal asset performance. Comprehensive planning for capital expenditures for the short and long term provides value to the asset, while being responsive to our clients’ requirements.
Maintenance and Operations
Properties under Dermody's management undergo continuous assessment to drive down operating costs, while reducing the maintenance and repair obligations. Our platform mandates the implementation of a preventative O&M plan that proactively serves clients and owners.
Customer Attention
Methodical lease administration is the foundation upon which Dermody builds true relationships with its customers. Since a primary goal of our property management program is to retain customers, our resources are dedicated to constant interaction with clients under a Tenant Retention Program – which has produced retention rates greater than 90 percent across our managed assets.